100 Memorable Moments of 2024
An annual tradition to inspire your own list of remembrance and gratitude
Hi, Friends,
As I reviewed my list of 100 memorable moments from 2024, I was struck by how personal so many of these experiences are to me. While they might seem small or insignificant to others, they represent the moments that shaped my year in unexpected ways. I share them with you not because I expect them to resonate fully, but because I’ve found that reading other people’s reflections often sparks my own—offering a sense of connection, inspiration, and a reminder of what matters most. Perhaps these moments will do the same for you.
Sending you this spontaneous, likely typo-ridden list with warm hugs on a snowy day in Colorado.
XO Mary
100 Memorable Moments of 2024
As part of my memoir research, I was able to locate my beloved middle school teacher, Mr. Swaigler ( Swags) after 50 years, which led to a heartwarming conversation on the phone. Of course, I cried ( I know, not a surprise) from joy and appreciation for all he gave a terribly lonely and confused 8th grader. That call led me to a Facebook group where I was able to reconnect with some of my middle school classmates from Huntington Beach, California.
I reinvested in my spiritual communities: church, Living School Mystical Sobriety group study of Jim Finley’s work, Al-Anon, ACA, and EFM.
I joined the Living School Writers Group and they’ve become good allies and support for my writing and sharing contemplatively.
Family Mardi Gras meal and homemade moon pies!
Celtic music and dance event at Sweetheart Winery
Crochet and knitting lessons- even though I failed miserably, and yes, I know how easy it is. I may try again now that it’s winter
Multiple visits from friends: Holly, Darla, Mary and John, Linda and Henry, and Amanda
Sat morning breakfasts with Ron
Interview for Betsy Garmon’s women’s program
I continue to learn to make amends quickly, fully, and with humility
Walking my sweet Java
Brooke Warner - Evolution of Memoir class, Katie Bannon Writer’s Bootcamp, The Sh*t No One Tells You About Writing podcast
MEMOIR PROGRESS -I sent a 130K word jumbled, messy, overwritten draft to my developmental editor Caitlin in May, got it back mid-summer after her loving work at a healthy 85 K words, and completed my first real draft by the goal of my birthday on July 1. I bought myself a piece of art to celebrate. Then Caitlin and I worked on completing the arduous process of writing the Book Proposal. (P.S. Everyone needs a Caitlin.) In November, I submitted my written proposal and video pitch for The Hay House Writer’s Competition - watch it here.
Family birthdays and holiday celebrations. I am still amazed and grateful that our daughters live nearby. I do not take it for granted.
Roadtrip with Ron to southern Colorado towns -sharing in the beauty and exploration, discovering a giant troll in the woods, and no COVID this year - thank you
Slow Summer Book Club offering to my paid subscribers. We read and discussed Julia Cameron’s, The Listening Path. It was a rich and inspiring time together.
Saying goodbye to my Daddy. He died at the end of July. How grateful I am for my memoir research in 2021 because it led to multiple recorded interviews with him about his childhood and his early life with my mom.
A partial reconciliation with an estranged sibling at the funeral , which brought relief, serenity, and acceptance, even if that is as far as it goes. Miracles.
Chapungu Park Sculpture discovery in my town. Gorgeous, spiritual, African sculpture
Linda and Henry visit us again and decide to move here! Darla and Mike, John and Mary are making plans, too! Beloveds moving near!
Designing and landscaping/ xeriscaping our front yard, It looks like a mountain stream with boulders and low-water, native plants.
Fall walks through the leaves and brightly colored trees, sunrise/ sunset walks
Spooky food night + skeletons and Meg’s Birthday in October
The 75 Hard Challenge. Lost 14 pounds and the discipline taught me what I could do to maintain my healthy weight. By keeping some of the habits without the extreme requirements of the challenge, I am learning to maintain my weight, gain strength, and continue to make strides in my health and mindset
I found an old tape recording of my and sisters and me from when we lived in California + heard our voices after 50+ years. I heard my mother’s voice as well, which I hadn’t heard in decades. It is a priceless treasure.
Launched a new bright and beautiful website that feels like me and the work that is my current focus. And flowers. How I love flowers. ( Thanks again to Caitlin. Is there anything she cannot do?)
Thanksgiving Day laughter over trapped tunes family jokes: “It’s too spooky for me” and “Mr. Trololo” and going to see Wicked with my girls.
80’s dance event with my friend, Melissa. We have made a pact to go as often as we can when these events happen - pure fun.
Meeting the kids in Denver for lunch at Union Station
Henry’s Pub, Rosa Cantina, and Sweetheart Winery
Downtown Loveland dressed for the holidays
Designed and led multiple labyrinth workshops and walks while working with a committee to build our new beautiful stone and paver Chartres-style community labyrinth. Continued the birthday tradition of walking a labyrinth and this year, walked on one I helped birth. Joined The Labyrinth Activists Network and wrote about labyrinth activism.
Got more involved in the local community and intentionally connected more with my neighbors on both sides of the political spectrum
Our family showing up for each other: our daughter’s house sitting for our out-of-town trips + tending to our dogs, loving our daughters through breakups, everyone pitching in to make the holidays sweeter, all our family meals and birthdays + decorating and cooking for them
Learning that to be present and love someone when they are hurting is more than enough
Spontaneous day trips to Estes Park with Ronnie in all seasons and spending relaxed time together
Contemplative solo walks over the neighborhood Butte and at River’s Edge. Hiking new trails with friends.
Offered creative soul sessions with people who wanted to dive deeper into their lives with some creative-spiritual companionship
Joining friends for lots of local events. Noticing how appreciative I am to have made friends in my new town.
Cotton candy skies of winter
Our first wildfire run - the Alexander Mountain fire was so close that we packed up our family keepsakes and photos and stored them for a month. I am grateful for the brave firefighters who kept it at bay and extinguished it, but not without great loss to many nearby neighbors.
Reenacting a scene from Extraordinary Attorney Woo in Vail dancing my way out of the revolving doors
My first sponsee in Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families (ACA) Paying it forward by sharing my experience, strength, and hope
Korean culture obsession continues. This year I made homemade tteokbokki, Jangjamyeon, and Ramen. Also discovered Kimpap at Costco and Trader Joe’s for the win
Creative play: solo artist dates/excursions, stamping labyrinth cards for our labyrinth fundraiser, making new soups, painting peace rocks for a labyrinth walk, participating in a creative collaboration at church with a collage, learning to make Washi eggs and practice the art of Kintsugi, and teaching others how to make a finger labyrinth. Most of my creative energy went into my writing.
Pups cuddled and warm next me to on my bed
Laying out all my story titles on index cards and to see what I had created for my memoir
The Denver Biscuit Co. and Denver Museum with Ron
Meow Wolf Denver with Aiyana, H -Mart! and lunch
Spring tulips on Pearl Street in Boulder and Pasta Jay’s with Ron
ACT Human Rights Film Festival at CSU. I went alone and made a new friend.
Cheeseboards and more cheeseboards. Cheeseboards are a love language.
Hot Pink Peonies in my backyard
The tram in Estes and feeding peanuts to the chipmunks by hand
Ron and Aiyana playing virtual ping pong on headsets and teasing and laughing
Watching Meg and Ron make viral videos. Bearing witness to their bond behind the scenes, collaboration, and more laughter.
Wednesday friends group excursions and our growing friendship
Flowers and more flowers - noticing, photographing, buying them for myself
Meeting the Kids in Denver at Snooze/Union Station
Jaunts to see the Aspen with Ron
My Ancestor ritual in October
The Scottish festival in Estes Park
Line dancing class
Sweet day with Aiyana and Dia de Los Muertos festival in Longmont. She brought me a bag of fun October season gifts.
New local places/events: Yaya Orchard with Ron, Christmas Winter Wonderland with friends, Sage speakeasy, Rosa Cantina, Berthoud Winery and gardens.
Shreveport trips to see Ross, friends, and family and tend to things there. Starting to sort through my in-laws’ home and belongings to clean out the house. “Were you fun to live with today ?” - a wooden sign that hung in their kitchen. I brought it home to hang in ours. Celebrating Phylis’ 70th. Reconnection with Mary J. and Ginger F. -two mentors from my theatre days. Going to see Wallace perform in Steel Magnolias on the same stage where I performed it 20 years ago. Judy,Linda, and Darla showing up for me.
The Girl’s Trip to the Oregon Coast. Highlights: Crater Lake, bonding over games, The Chubby Mermaid, the ocean, and Phil Collins’ air drumming.
Receiving a handmade whale ornament from a friend Katy and its special meaning to me
Jigsaw puzzles and a new favorite Christmas advent puzzle
Christkindl market with the family in Denver
Stared volunteering at Loveland Community Kitchen on Tuesdays
Slowly decorating for Christmas and enjoying it so much more and doing only the things that bring me joy.
Salvation Army Bell experience with my friend Mary CL - a first and so much fun
Winter Solstice gathering with Rebecca- the friend I met at the Film Festival = benefits of stepping outside of my comfort zone
Fire pit gift and roasting marshmallows + the debacle of me trying to put it out without water and creating a baking soda tornado
Decision to attend the Women's Dream Quest event in San Francisco at Grace Cathedral in Feb 2025 and walk their labyrinth in community
Decision to visit my bestie in Japan in 2025 and also travel together to Korea!!
My Substack grew in both paid and free memberships. I am still astounded by and grateful for this community
I learned to see how the things I do repeatedly either nourish or inhibit my growth
I re-learned the great value of showing up for those you love and well as being on the receiving end of that love and support
Give people their flowers now. Make your amends now ( to the degree that it is within your control) to those you have harmed - do the celebrating and repair work NOW
Reach out to friends you cherish. Make more effort without a tally sheet of reciprocation. Love first. ( P.S. My hubby is better at this, and in part, I think it is because he doesn’t have as many projects. It makes me wonder if I need fewer projects?)
I learned that people love you more than you might think
I was reminded that I don’t have all the answers for my kids even when I want to have them, but that I can love them and that Love is the answer
I did a bit better at keeping up with notes and documentation of how I spent my year. I can see more of what would help for documenting 2025.
My True Self is completely immersed in and made of The Great Living Mystery of Love
Write gently. Listen. Take notes.
You are not merely you. You are as much ALL as you are you. More so.
My Beatles Birthday
Deciding to give someone in my spiritual community the respect they deserve even if we do not get along and will not be close
My morning practice
Changing “dead week” ( Dec 26-Jan 1) to “dreaming and discerning month.” ( the entire month of January.) Big A## calendar for 2025 + video
Foot massages, a hike, and heart-to-heart with Meggie
Collaborating on a Creative Spiritual interview/questionnaire coming soon!
The realization that I need more coconut pie in my life
Gave the girls their childhood Christmas ornaments
Making bath salts for my girls
I am ridiculously grateful for another year of good health and the love in my little family
I am learning to stop resisting the idea of loving myself unconditionally
Be swift to love ( yourself, too). Make haste to be kind ( to yourself, too). Let yourself know the great love of the Creator in and through all. Amen.
Love-love-love. Now. xo
Love your list and so grateful to be a part of it! <3