Giving Hope Hands and Feet
Voting, "Christian values," and why the loudest voices don't represent me
“My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness.” - Maya Angelou.
Hi, Friends.
Thanks for inviting me into your inbox. I enjoy being able to stay in contact with you and share a bit about life as we live it.
Here in the States, early voting has begun. Since I will be out of town on election day, I made sure to get in this morning and cast my votes. It is a right and a privilege I do not take lightly. It may be an ailing system, but many people across the world do not have this right and freedom.
My friend Tami gave a sermon at our church two weeks ago, and I asked her if I could share an excerpt of it here with you. Tami shared the story of “the rich man” who asks Jesus how to gain eternal life. She spoke about recognizing our riches and what it means to share our riches with others and how that also informs how we vote. In an “all about me and mine” culture ( my quotes), Tami reminds those of us who purport to follow Christ have a different way of looking at our riches.
For my readers who do not identify as Christian, I hope you can hear the intent in these words, regardless of your faith tradition, to enact our beliefs in the world and not simply sit idly by or hoard our riches. I think we can all agree that we all have riches to share with our community and that by sharing them, we can positively impact the trajectory of our communities.
Tami, who teaches our children in Sunday school, began with the parable of Christ and the rich man. She begins, “ I’m going to use the same questions that I use in Sunday school at the end of listening to a story. We use wondering questions.
She continues, “ So, I wonder… where you see yourself in the story? Are you the person of privilege kneeling at the feet of Jesus? Are you the disciples who are yet again perplexed by Jesus? Maybe you are standing somewhere on the sidelines, watching. I see myself in the perplexed disciples. Every time I read a parable, I always think, what is Jesus talking about? A camel going through the eye of a needle? What? I would have thought, as the disciples probably did, that the rich shall inherit the earth. The rich were looked up to, and becoming rich was what you aspired to be. But here’s Jesus telling this rich man that you need to do more than just follow the commandments, you also need to give up riches and follow the way of Jesus.
I wonder what ‘riches' you may have? I wonder what your privileges are? Is it money, status, race, sex? For me, my “riches” are having enough money to be comfortable, being white, and being born to a relatively stable family in a country that has many freedoms. Over the years, I have been made more aware of these privileges. This has mostly come from seeing those who do not have these things. This happens through my consumption of social media. I get to see how other people live not only here in the US but all over the world. I’ve watched Palestinians and Israelis hunker down during bombings. I’ve watched folks ride out hurricanes. I’ve seen people living out of their cars. I’ve watched people be verbally assaulted for the way they look, how they talk, and who they love. I’ve watched a rich girl throw a fit because she couldn’t get a private jet within the hour to fly her from Switzerland to the Maldives. I’ve seen children bullied at school and hiding during an active shooter. I’ve watched Jewish families celebrate holy days and Muslims in prayer. All of this has helped me see my riches. So, does Jesus want us to give up all our riches to get eternal life? I don’t think so. I think he wants us to turn to him to follow him and to be like him. He is asking the rich man not to follow his money, not follow his privilege. To not be like his money, cold and without emotion…
…But I also think, what can I do? Is there actually anything I can do? How can I change the world? Well, one thing I can do is vote. I actually received a text that my ballot had been mailed. Last month, someone asked me, ‘How do you vote for your Christian values? ‘How do I?’. Do I vote for my riches/privileges? Or do I vote as Amos tells us to stand up for justice and righteousness? Will I seek Good instead of Evil? Will I lift up the poor? Will I give voice to the voiceless? Do I even know who the voiceless are? How do I stay informed about the people and issues I will be voting on? Am I making an independent decision, or am I being led by family and friends? I don’t think I am. I feel like I am moved to vote for the people and issues that Jesus calls me to through his teachings. According to Mark, many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.
I am also moved by the vast amount of information that I have at my fingertips. Oh, that information super highway! Man, is that a scary place? When surfing that highway, I have to be careful not to fall into the hole of only listening to people who think like me. I must remember to look at issues from both sides because, as we know, the truth will be somewhere in the middle. I try to find independent sources that feel more fair and balanced, but mostly, I look for firsthand experiences. I want to see and hear what the personal experience is of policies that are enacted.
The amount of information out there is mind-blowing. And the speed at which that information travels is a little bit scary. I watched as a sentence uttered on TV was made into memes, songs, jokes, battle cries, bomb threats, and violence within a week!
Our privilege of free speech is not enjoyed by the entire world. I’ve watched people be jailed and never heard from again for speaking up and speaking out. It’s important to remember that words have power. My words have power. Right now, some of you are happy, sad, bored, confused, or maybe even angry. I wonder why you feel this way. Do you identify with those who suffer, are you scared about change? Are you frustrated by your options? Are you hungry? I am mostly sad. I think this is because a lot of the information I get is not great. There seems to be a lot of hatred and yelling out there. IT’S SO LOUD!!! This week, in preparing for this sermon, I felt some silence, some calm, and some joy. It felt great to sit and think about what God was putting on my heart. I felt a purpose. I feel a purpose.
The things Jesus tells us to do are not dead; his words are living and active. When I look around this congregation, I see a roomful of people who are out in the community, being the hands, feet, eyes, ears, and mouth of God.
As you go about this transformative work, how can we use our riches and privileges to help others? Our actions affect more than just our immediate family. They affect our community, town, state, country, and world.
I will end this with what might be some of the most inspiring words in the bible. From Hebrews: LET US THEREFORE APPROACH THE THRONE OF GRACE WITH BOLDNESS, SO THAT WE MAY RECEIVE MERCY AND FIND GRACE TO HELP IN TIME OF NEED.
Turn boldly from your privilege and follow Christ in his journey of empathy, love, helping, saving, restoring, speaking out, and speaking up. So that no one ever feels as though they have been forsaken. Amen.” - Tami Wiltz
Thank you, Tami, for allowing me to share some of your words. <3
Tami underscores the significance of sharing our various forms of "riches"—whether financial, social, or emotional—to empower others and champion justice. She reminds us that being a true follower of Christ requires empathy, a commitment to assisting those in need, and an awareness of the issues our whole community faces, prioritizing those on the margins of society. Ultimately, she advocates and inspires us to embody love and compassion so that no one feels abandoned. By aligning our beliefs with our voting practices, we can create a positive influence in our communities and the world at large.
Lastly, remember that the loudest voices of any group do not always represent the majority, just the loudest. There are many loud voices of hate and division who scream under the banner of “Christianity” but do not represent all Christians. Your vote matters, and so does your work in the world. Be brave. Don’t allow hate to have the last word. Use your voice. Use your vote.
As my former teacher, Dr. Barbara Holmes, once said, “ Hope has hands and feet!”
Let’s use them.
xo Mary
It is with great sadness that I share that my teacher, Dr. B ( Dr. Barbara Holmes) of the Living School, has passed. I shared just two weeks ago that I was reading her book, Crisis Contemplation. The passing of Dr. Barbara Holmes marks a profound loss for many who were touched by her wisdom and compassion. A renowned scholar, author, and advocate for spiritual and social justice, Dr. Holmes dedicated her life to exploring the intersections of faith, culture, and healing. Her work inspired countless individuals to engage deeply with their spiritual journeys and to seek justice in their communities. As a leader in the field of African American religious studies, she left an indelible mark on academia and beyond, encouraging us all to embrace our stories and the power of collective healing. Her legacy will continue to resonate through those she inspired, reminding us of the importance of love, resilience, and community in our shared human experience. May she rest in peace and power. Now we have another ancestor, in the great cloud of witnesses, cheering us on.
This month, a portion of our paid subscriptions goes to HOPE LIVES! The Lydia Dody Breast Cancer Support Center. We are a small, local breast cancer non-profit serving clients in Larimer and Weld counties. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for our neighbors during a very scary and difficult time in their lives by partnering with various providers to mitigate some of the emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual side effects of treatment.
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