Hi, Friend!
I am currently in Rome with my husband Ron celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary. I know you will forgive me for keeping the notes shorter this month.
It is my intention to stay very present with my love while we share this very special time together. But tonight, I can take a few minutes to share something special we are doing together and also share a few photos. I will send this off to you tomorrow.
Beginning with the night before we got married, Ron and I have a tradition of writing a love letter to each other each year to be read on that year’s anniversary. Since I wanted to leave the originals at home, I made copies of all our letters and put them in red envelopes and brought them on our trip, unbeknownst to Ron.
On our first night in Florence, once we were past the jet-lag of the night before, I brought out the bundle of love letters and shared them with Ron as a surprise. I told him that we could start with the first letter written in 1983, and that each night we could re-read one of our letters, working our way progressively through the years. In this way we could revisit our love and our lives together, in our own words over the years as reflected in the unfolding story of our letters. We could literally share in the written story of our life together. Ron was elated and we read the first night’s letters. It was emotional to say the least. In the sweetest way.
Then we wondered together what to do with the letters once read. We had the originals safely at home so really didn’t need to carry them back with us. It felt wrong to just throw them out. Then Ron came up with his own great idea. Here’s what he shared on his Facebook post:
“Mary and I have written each other a love letter on each and every year on our anniversaries.
This year for our 40th , Mary brought along a printed copy of all of our letters. Each one in a red envelope.
We reread one or two each day while here in Italy and later France.
Then Mary asked what should we do with them after we read them. The originals are back home but it felt weird just to throw them away in the trash.
We decided that during our excursions we would hide the letters somewhere in a place hard to find. Hidden red envelopes with a love letter in each one throughout Italy and France, to one day be discovered by someone and read about two people named Ron and Mary that truly loved each other.
Some may never be found.”
You can see that we make a pretty good team.
So that is exactly what we have done and will keep doing.
There is a letter hidden in Florence.
There are a few in Rome.
A letter tucked away in Pompeii and also in Positano.
And on we go.
We just read letter #6 tonight and the things I loved about him then are just as true now. Only more so.
Some friends have already bemoaned that they wish they had begun a similar tradition of anniversary love letters. I always respond - START NOW. It is never too late to begin. Each one will be a treasure.
Here’s to love - the beautiful, messy, difficult, delicious journey of becoming and of growing together.
XO Mary
Just two kids in love.
Still are.
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